STI Surveillance


The National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Council (NAC) established through an Act of Parliament No. 10 of 2002 is charged with the responsibility of developing and coordinating policies, plans and strategies for the prevention and combating of HIV, AIDS, TB and STI’s in order to reduce the impact of the epidemic. Since its establishment, it has played a pivotal role in developing policies that guide the multisectoral response to HIV.

The National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Council is currently working with the Ministry of Health, World Health Organization, Zambia National Public Health Institute and the Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia to strengthen national STI surveillance.

Priority Areas in 2024

Over the past 3 years, Zambia has continued to record a high number of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s). Of notable concern is the rising number of cases of syphilis, both in the general population and among pregnant women.

The commonest STI syndromes in Zambia are Lower abdominal pain, Male urethral discharge syndrome, vaginal discharge syndrome and genital ulcer disease. The increase in the number of STI’s can be attributed to low condom usage among young people, risky sexual behaviour, delays in seeking treatment, poor partner notifications strategies and structural barriers limiting access to STI services.

Strategies to control STIs in Zambia

The key strategies that NAC will implement to control STIs include

  • Condom promotion/combination prevention for HIV/STIs
  • Strong Public/private sector partnerships to enhance services delivery
  • Primary care approach
  • Strengthening STI screening in ART, OPD, MCH, Youth friendly spaces,
  • Introduce innovate methods of service delivery: internet and social media based referrals, self-testing for STIs, internet based consultation, home delivery of results and treatment

Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW)

  • NAC continues to support MOH and other implementing partners to provide combination HIV prevention to AGYW via multiple platforms.
  • Supporting implementation of Long acting Cabotegravir
  • NAC is supporting the Ministry of Health and Implementing partners

Figure 1. Antenatal Syphilis (2019-2022)

Trends in syphilis (2019-2022)

Important Contacts

General Queries/appointments: 00260977901069